Website Updates!Please pardon our mess. Construction activities are underway.

Webupdates Supporting Elegant Reasonism

We continue to plow in new content and work concept integration across the existing web page landscape. Thank you for sticking with us. This is one the most difficult set of logistics ever and doing it in a way that facilitates paradigm shifts for everyone is most challenging. There are no words to express our appreciation and gratitude. We only hope what we have done helps you be a change agent for civilization as we all gain the precipice of unification enabling and empowering us all to perceive and engage the unified Universe.

April 27, 2023

  • All network traffic is now forced on to HTTPS datalinks for security and privacy reasons.
  • We are grateful to the early adopters who have registered on our site. We just sent you an email note explaining that if you did not click the activation link in our verification email note the system automatically sends out when you register, you can not log into the system. Said another way, you can not log into the system until you verify your email address. If the network responded to our email note to you that your email ID is not active or valid for whatever reason, it is deactivated here and all access roles removed. If you want your email ID reactivated you will have to Contact Us.
  • Expanded Stages of Grief
    Expanded Stages of Grief

    Individuals who are firmly entrenched in familial environments such that they are highly invested in those bastions, do not like change. They do not want to hear anything that might upset their apple cart. Science, requires a dispassionate approach to hard cold facts. Empiricism is based on results that duplicate, replicate, and demonstrate and which others can repeat. Empiricism is one among many epistemologies (e.g. philosophies of knowledge). Registered users can browse information on more than several in our User Library. Register on the system and you will receive in your welcome note a 5% discount on your first purchase in any of our online shops. You will see there listed: Elegant Reasonism as it is, here, considered a superset epistemology, in as much as it statistically weights all other epistemologies relative to their ability to manifest the unified Universe. Currently we have six times more people attacking us than trying to learn what these implications mean to them. That’s a pretty sad state of affairs, but it is what it is. We mention this here because early adopters need to be aware that these other folks exist and at some point they may cross your path as well, and you need to be prepared for that. Elegant Reasonism is here to stay. Vested individuals are having to transition standard stages of grief dealing and coping with the paradigm shifts associated with gaining the precipice from which one may both perceive and engage the unified Universe. We chose neither these requirements, nor the criteria for this journey. We simply report what is. Our job is to make the journey as fast and simple as possible, but the only one who can address the paradigms between your ears is you, not us. There are two sides to the stages of grief issue. One is about dealing with others but perhaps the more important is recognizing it within ourselves. To this end we mode shifted the ‘Baloney Detection Kit‘ presentation.

Truth as a function of the unified Universe will endure.

Elegant Reasonism is three things, simultaneously and holistically:


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January 18, 2023

We use traffic analysis for the website to see what people are interested in and whether or not we have been able to get content from our original systems review posted or not. For example, we just updated the associated pages for Concept 0305 – Transverse Mass for these reasons. We are few, you guys are rest of humanity so please bear with us. This is taking a great deal longer than anyone would prefer. We began working on this website in 2019 immediately upon receiving acknowledgement from the USPTO that our application filing was accepted and in force worldwide through all appropriate agencies, law, and treaties. The point here is that if there is a page you are interested in, and it does not yet have actual content posted yet it is very important that you like and subscribe to that page so the system will alert you to the fact that changes have been made to that content. Another reason is that we are human and make mistakes. As those are recognized we usually take immediate corrective action, and again, you will automatically be alerted to that fact by the system. Presuming you like and subscribe, of course. We would also point out that the same is true for this page….   Also, note that when real people register here we review your registration request. Recognized Bot requests are deleted immediately. Upon successful review your registration is approved and the system sends you a confirmation note. If you did not see that note, please ensure that it did not fall prey to your spam filters. You can always ask our system to send you another one if needed. In any event we are here to help people, not AI systems or bots. Which also reminds us that we updated the Contact Us page since many, if not most, folks at least passingly look at that.

Some people spend more time looking at who we are rather than what we are saying. They should be aware that we mode shifted the Baloney Detection Kit. If you can not fathom how to gain the precipice of unification, and you fail to recognize the significance of Langer Epistemology Errors (LEEs) (e.g. you are but do not think you are committing them), it might serve you well to make sure you aren’t wearing baloney shoes. Just sayin… Otherwise you may find yourself firmly ensnared and otherwise entangled inside LEEs Empiricism Trap.

May 23, 2022

We have updated the security authorization for many pages and materials across the website so that more people can engage the materials without taking any further action than visiting our website. This includes the original systems review notes which should be visible to the public. Please register with us to keep up with the latest information and subscribe to our newsletter.


April 3, 2022

We have recovered most of the major landing pages and restored the website. We continue to make technical improvements to the infrastructure and are looking into ways to make greater strides in that regard. We still have many issues. Product images in the online shop still have many needing to be rebuilt and we are working on that. Integration linkages between backend systems also still need repair. However, the front-end systems supporting consumer facing pages are up and active. If you are looking to engage the site in order to learn about unification and work to gain that precipice yourself there is enough online for you to begin your journey. The main landing page is:

Elegant Reasonism

March 16, 2022

Early this morning the SolREI website suffered a catestrophic systems failure. We were able to restore basic operations in about 48 hrs, but a great deal of data was corrupted. Fortunately critical data supporting our business was on other systems. Some of which are not connected to anything and are not powered up. The online system suffered mostly media image loss and we are working to see what we can do about that. Some of the software technology supporting the website required wholesale replacement and we are having to rebuild linkages and profiles in those cases. What were supposed to be backups weren’t. We are looking into why that did not happen not for excuses but to learn and move on. Please bear with us. We had a lot of work in front of us getting the systems review content integrated across the website. Now we have a bit more. However, this also gave us an opportunity to give the website a new look and feel. We had to rebuild anyway, we may as well paint the place. Please bear with us during the recovery effort. If you see something a couple of months from now that still doesn’t work and you think it should, let us know via the contact us form and we’ll look into it.

March 7, 2022

The updated main landing page URL is:

The major pillars of information follow the list below. We continue to develop this information and integrate across our network presence. We are working incessantly to get this material in to better shape for consumption and articulation but we are a small group and civilization is huge. We are doing what we can with what we have. The menus here are dynamic and we are working to make them mirror the process to maximize cognition of what it is we did. You can learn a great deal simply mousing over the various menu items. Please note that it took us many years to develop this information, do not expect to zoom in and get it in five or ten minutes. Those with patience and perseverance will be rewarded with gaining the precipice capable of perceiving and engaging the unified Universe. Wield it wisely.




#ElegantReasonism #EmergenceModel #Unification #GUT #UnificationOfPhysics #UnifiedFieldTheory #EIM #Astrophysics #Cosmology #Astronomy #Universe

By Charles McGowen

Charles C McGowen is a strategic business consultant. He studied Aerospace Engineering at Auburn University '76-'78. IBM hired him early in '79 where he worked until 2003. He is now Chairman & CEO of SolREI, Inc. ORCID: