NIH_000.pngNot Invented Here

Not Invented Here (NIH) Syndrome

Not Invented Here
20 Cognitive Biases
20 Cognitive Biases

The NIH Syndrome has manifest itself in a number of ways across the intervening decades since the original systems review was undertaken and because of our field work we have come to understand this syndrome and how it is being exploited by different groups, perhaps for centuries. Cognitive biases are difficult enough to manage without deliberate obfuscation exploiting them in others. Getting on top of this with vigilance, rigor, and perseverance requires high levels of critical situationally aware thinking (CSAT). In some cases NIH manifests/originates as a function of a desire to protect the integrity intellectual property, trademarks, patents, etc. In other cases is is internal competition, pride, ego, within the architecture of large enterprise.

There is another NIH attitude not on the image at left and it is “They can’t know that because they aren’t in our group”. If you are arrogant enough to think that unification is the singular domain of any specific group then you have fundamentally missed the point. Unification demands complete integration of everything real. It is not the domain of a specific area, but in fact demands them all. Elegant Reasonism is a multidisciplinary realm for exactly that reason. Point in fact is that Susanne K Langer’s pivotal work was originally written discussing art appreciation, not physics. The multidisciplinary nature of Elegant Reasonism must not be lost by anyone in any leadership role. Leaders are very strongly encouraged to wield this transformationally.

There is something of an insidious nature of everything on this page and the domain of this discourse deals with the implications and ramifications of monolithic thinking that results from commission of Langer Epistemology Errors (LEEs) relative to human endeavor in context of actual reality. You see if you believe that you directly perceive reality rather than through a set of abstractions then you fail to recognize all the other ways in which those same abstractions might be instantiated.  The fallacy of empiricism is that there is only one way to interpret reality and that premise is patently false if only because status quo thinking modeling reality can not, nor will it ever, accomplish unification. To some that may seem like a declaration but it is not. That statement is a philosophical observation in as much as the core constructs of that type of thinking and the relationships between them preclude the kind of integration required by unification. Simplistically those constructs create the spacetime-mass interface across which nothing real can transition without first conversion to energy thereby precluding employment of a common real geometric basis point between real objects in all reference frames. Philosophically this condition eliminates the possibility of accomplishing unification, despite its use having accomplished some of the most dramatic technologies in history.

Going forward requires independent cognition and thinking usually only found in visionary entrepreneurial domains which perhaps have an edge if only because they more often think outside the box rather than seeking out bastions of institutionalized thinking. Empiricism is in and of itself is one of many branches within the master domain of discourse we all call Philosophy. We are in a weird situation where credentialed experts in their respective domains of discourse are in fact experts within the contextual boundaries made manifest by the EIM most often employed as their basis, but the problem is that context does not close to unification and furthermore they are about to have that entire context mode shifted out from under their feet consistent with the issues presented: In Unification’s Wake, Part 05: Business Impact. The hard cold fact is that status quo thinking modeling reality is philosophically precluded from accomplishing unification precisely because those core constructs preclude anything real traversing the spacetime-mass interface without conversion to energy and it is for that reason common real geometric basis points can not be employed. Consequently that type of thinking will never accomplish unification no matter how many resources they throw at it.

Global Enterprise

Any enterprise has within it a set of core principles working against that entity’s purpose for being, stated or otherwise. There is a very direct implication to all this to every enterprise on Earth and it is that if you do not embrace what is being reflected here you are going to be relegated to the dust heap of history at some point, it is simply a matter of time. For those embracing an apathetic strategy you are going to find yourself at the whim and mercy of deep pocketed adversaries. Those enterprises who ardently defend a large intellectual property portfolio have the most to loose ignoring what we are explaining here because the only defense is wielding these capabilities more effectively than not just your competition but your adversaries. If you wait you may find others are mode shifting your portfolios right out from under you and there won’t be anything you can do about it. This message is neither new, nor casual.  Both Plato and Suz Tzu have written about such situations thousands of years ago. Ignore the message at your own peril. The free market will determine your fate. Play NIH bingo if you like, it may be the last thing your company ever does.


Workflow deals with the evolution of products and services, from inception to delivery and customer acceptance, systemically across any enterprise and the market niche it serves. It is the flow of all related activities resulting in the delivery of value. The question posed here is whether or not that value closes to unification.

Business Processes

Even small enterprises today are globally linked with customers, suppliers and vendors. Information systems, knowledge centers, and decentralized partners all demand a comprehensive systems review into what it is you think you know. We very much strongly encourage you to mode shift your business processes before someone else does.

Value Chains

Deep pocketed early adopters recognizing these implications are going to start strategically disintermediating global enterprise value chains for their own agendas. To that end I developed the presentation: In Unification’s Wake, Part 05: Business Impact.

Knowledge Management

I have discussed distinctions between data, information and knowledge elsewhere here, but I would like to expand on the implications of context relative to the subject of this page.

Mode Shifting The Global Market

The global markets are about to get a great deal more volatile than the impending crash would otherwise suggest. That is to say, this crash is going to be worse by orders of magnitude. No one is prepared for blood bath that is about to take place. When you take the IP assets that will be crushed by financial markets and subject them to situational awareness being reflected across this website will enable nothing short of a revolutionary forces rippling across civilization.

The Innovator’s Dilemma Never Saw This Coming

In the 150th running of the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs was taken by Mystik Dan but was too a photo finish with Sierra Leone taking second only by a nose. Interesting as all that might be the point here is that 2nd place was only inches behind first place over the course of the 1.25 mile track. Lions wake up every morning knowing that they must run faster than the slowest gazelle or they will starve. Gazelle know they must run faster than the fastest lion or they will be eaten. So it does not matter if you are a lion or a gazelle, when you wake up you had better be running.  As surely as diesel powered hydraulic heavy equipment replaced steam engines, cable driven steam shovels, what you are encountering here will ultimately replace more traditional methods if only because what you find here illuminates to illustration the path to the precipice from which the unified Universe may both be perceived and engaged. Part of the point here is not to expect adversaries or competitors to alert you to their approach.

War Of Ideas

The war for ideas has been going on now for hundreds of years. It is anything but new. Before the information age it was difficult to trace relationships, arrangements, and financial transactions. In the information age that is so no longer the case that many in government need to be reminded like school children gossiping, that much information that happens to be available is none of their damned business. The challenge civilization has is that all this is out in front of legislation and treaty agreements. The geopolitics of it all is enough to enable nightmares. Not mentioning any names or institutions but some of my earlier reviewers told me point blank they couldn’t get caught reading our materials because they were contractually obligated to the university they worked for and though what we had looked promising it was a violation of that contract. Also during some of our research we uncovered that other institutions had contractual obligations with major donors and foundations that those entities had first review rights on all papers/dissertations prior to publications. The point of these various instruments is idea management. I was involved in early transformational thinking education re: global enterprise. Something like half the battle is just in knowing something can be done. Some argue that is 80% of the battle. One the exercises used in those classes involved tasking students with a simple task and timing them. Divided into groups the class at first competed with one another for time. Then the whole class was told their competition could do it in a fraction of the time and they had to beat the new time. We then debriefed them all on why their final inspiration was not recognized with the first attempt. Some interesting insights come from such discussions. A similar reflective exercise comes from the three rows of three equidistant dots puzzle where all nine dots must be connected with exactly four straight lines without overlapping/retracing lines. The point here is not the solution but what, why, and how is the solution constrained from recognition easily. That’s a test you can do right now, and it doesn’t matter if you know how to solve the problem. Solve it again, but think about what constrains solution perception. The volatility with everything you find here is that those apple carts are now highly upset and nobody is particularly happy.

IBM Neural Synaptic Processor
IBM Neural Synaptic Processor

Read my NPC article. Understand neural plasticity. Apply neurosciences in a standards based, fully compliant, conversational context of Elegant Reasonism. Study Human Action with regard to paradigm development in that context and then study human Central Nervous Systems (CNS), the brain not as a point processor but as a holistic system integrating all Brodmann Areas, and what I call Neural Network Reconfiguration by Programming (NNRP). Then consider not just the one chip pictured here, but one for each Brodmann Area such that they specialize for those functions and then integrate them holistically. Axons are elements of nerve cells that can be the length of a human body. Consider action potentials sending signals in such a system. Might axons be analogous to antennas? Consider a broader tapestry of systems within systems. Then know too that unification demands the credible reintegration of everything real. The cogent description of M5 is epistemologically interesting in as much as it supports Elegant Reasonism as a net new superset epistemology that integrates other epistemologies to be sure, but statistically weights them relative to and respective of the unified Universe. The analogy being drawn here is the point of view the unified Universe is akin to the prize of freedom and liberty, and the division of power is akin to the plurality rules of Elegant Reasonism in as much as no monolithic set of perceptions must ever hold over arching sway ever again, and the unified Universe must always be held litmus. We got into this current state of affairs because we all committed Langer Epistemology Errors and slid happily right into the jaws of LEEs Empiricism Trap. Clarity demands we also understand distinctions between these real biological architectures resulting in physiological infrastructure as well as distinctions between nominal natural operation and that augmented by legitimately prescribed (e.g. medically by an MD) pharmacology. The caution here is to understand prescribed pharmacology in context of the infrastructure it augments and why it is prescribed. If there is a real deficit in the nominal infrastructure operations then the situation requires professional monitoring and attention. Do not confuse what I am saying here as a reason to cease prescribed medications without consultation from appropriately informed medical professionals who are conversationally skilled at mode shifting insights in medical contexts. The point here is an attempt to motivate medical sciences to embrace principles of unification being explored herein. These are complex environments and there are more issues at stake than can be adequately be discussed in this very simplistic overview. The microprocessor depicted at right here, produced by IBM, mimics the layering of synapses in the brain. What most do not understand is that neurons that fire together, wire together. You will see that insight is backed up by clinical medical trials. Any number of motivational speakers will tell you that having the right attitude is essential for success in any endeavor, but the reason that is true is because of that insight. When you get out of bed in the morning your day is about choices. Good judgement is a function of learning from bad choices. If that learning takes place in an experiential manner it is likely more powerful, palpable, and tacit, than if only learned intellectually if only because all of our human senses were involved.

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Knowing this the founding fathers took eleven years, from 1776 to 1787, to forge the crucible that today is the United States of America. That battle was between our ears, not fought with weapons. Even today the legislation forming the body of our laws is actively governed too by actual, real, precedent. The cannon of law provides a framework but we constantly test that in trial litigation, often a messy, ugly process. It has been said too that sometimes the only people who won were the attorneys. Bad as all that is the point here is about power and the necessary task to recognize is the proper and appropriate division of it in order to create a system of checks and balances. People agreeing to join government in some fashion swear an oath to defend and protect the Constitution, from all enemies both foreign and domestic for exactly these reasons. There is no oath to any particular commander and it is in fact illegal to follow illegal orders from any such commander, chief or otherwise. Their oath is to the means by which freedom and liberty are protected and nurtured. To be clear that assurance is not in any specific individual, but rather rests with the holistic citizenry.

This is not an esoteric set of points being made. I spent a number of years assigned in roles dealing with brand management globally. It has been said of me that I am a broad but thin person. I know a lot about many different subjects and am expert in none of them. Perhaps that is true and I’ll certainly let history be the judge, but I certainly make my fair share of mistakes. Einstein talking with journalists was asked why he didn’t make mistakes. Correcting the person he replied: it’s not that we don’t make mistakes because we certainly do, its what we do after the mistake was made which is important. It is for those reasons that the notes were taken for that original systems review in the first place. I’m dyslexic for one, and a bit scatter brained for another, but I will let those notes stand testament for your review. On that point I am putting out all this material to maximize the largest peer review in history due to the nature of the associated magnitude of these implications and ramifications.

Students studying strategic thinking will recognize what locations like: Machu Picchu, Neuschwanstein Castle, Maginot Line, and many others to be sure, all have in common. Fixed fortifications do not logistically work in a mobile world and we need only point to Normandy, France to make that clear. It takes mettle and a steeled reserve to defend liberty and freedom and an albeit military example, is what the allied forces had to do to save those defending Bastogne, Belgium. General George S Patton, changed direction of engagement and pivoted his army to go a hundred miles to liberate those defenders. When asked to surrender, the allied troops holding Bastogne told their enemies: ‘Nuts’. The core message here is about the mettle instantiating the defense of those principles.  There are arguably other parallels that could be drawn regarding long lived conflicts. Monolithic centralization is not the answer, nor is anarchy. Division of power, the rule of law guided by precedent, as imperfect as it may be, is the best path forward if only because we must all learn together. And therein lay a strategic core insight. Without the acknowledged assistance both contemporary and from history represented in the User Library I could not have accomplished any of this. The many facets are too diverse to have been pulled together any other way. It is no surprise to me that the Internet was required to get it done.

Ideas And Insights

There is something of an ironic twist in perhaps justice of all of this. Insights and ideas relative to and respective of the unified Universe may only be delivered or communicated in full cognizance of the process employed that delivered them. The reason this is true has already been stated above. EIMs, theories, must close to unification, or they may as well join the flat Earth society because while it is necessary to test consequences, and agree with experiment it is also as important whether they close to unification as a philosophical predicate priority consideration entering science. Investigators may have the best statistical mechanical model available but if those models do not close to unification they are not measuring all the data. That is to say their statistical results are skewed away from the unified Universe, not toward it. There is a distinction between Principled Laws of an EIM and Laws of Nature. Strategically Langer Epistemology Errors significantly obfuscate which of those domains a given scenario is actually working with, most especially if the entire group of institutionalized status quo thinkers modeling reality are held firmly within the grips of LEEs Empiricism Trap. The irony is driven fully home in context of the implications and ramifications of Encapsulated Interpretative Models (EIMs) boundaries.  EIMs establish foundational interpretative context. Read that previous sentence recursively until you fully comprehend its implications and ramifications. It is important because all the certainty in the world any given investigator may feel might be directed at Principled Laws (but believe they are Laws of Nature because they are committing Langer Epistemology Errors) and until they realize the implications of employing abstractions in a systems engineering context you may as well beat your head against a wall as to try and convince them of the truth. Those ardent defenders of science must come to the precipice of unification on their own. They are in control of their worldview not you. “Thought Experiment TE-0069: Why Are Newton’s Laws True?” is a prime example. Monolithic thinkers ensnared by LEEs Empiricism Trap: 1) do not comprehend the role abstractions play in their interpretation, 2) believe (e.g. have constructed their worldview such) that they are working directly with reality rather than abstractions of it, 3) likely ignorant of Elegant Reasonism, 3) Paradigm shifts must be affected by the individual possessing if the affect is to be effective. If we were to build a metaphor using pigs, then the pig would be the paradigm and colloquially those individuals have to wrestle their own pigs if only because everyone is going to get muddy and the pigs like it. There are many reasons for this advice but I can not strongly enough suggest that those wielding Elegant Reasonism to do so transformationally.

Insights must be delivered in cognizant context of the process, framework, and epistemologies developing them.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Right now, AI is mostly exceptionally fast, but working under the delusional opinion of monolithic thinking. There are any number of mechanisms being employed whose ultimate goal is funneling ideas to centralized bastions of institutionalized thinking, and AI is one of those mechanisms. Looking then at Human Action in context of Computing As A Tool For Human Augmentation, recognizing augmentation quotient issues (which today includes AI), and then too recognizing the implications and ramifications of Philosophy In A New Key we are, as a species, faced with the same issues that the founding fathers of this nation were faced all those years ago and those men then provided a mechanism to fix this situation today. That mechanism comes in the form of Article V of The Constitution which allows the States to make necessary modifications to assure endurance integrity. Various jurisdiction issues perhaps too solved through judicious use of Article IV section 3. Power division must prevail, and it must include all entities natural and otherwise. All entities, natural or otherwise, must adhere to the same laws, rules, and expectations. Such entities must also include aggregations of such entities just as any other as expected by that same rule of law. On this all depends. My personal opinion is that the entire biosphere of Earth is at stake. Principled value of all life must be intrinsic. Recognition of the unified Universe epistemologically is too important, every bit as empiricism is to traditional science. Unification, as a concept, demands complete integration of everything real, including truth (which necessarily includes philosophy and science as well).

Clue Recognition In Unification’s Wake

Seahorse Looking at Wristwatch
Seahorse Situational Awareness

History is replete with clues suggesting the development of Elegant Reasonism but, simply put – we didn’t see as we looked any more than that seahorse can tell time on that watch. The historical employment of peer groups is to subject insights to scrutiny and a broader experience base. During the original systems review for what is ultimately attempting to be reflected herein it became obvious that broadening that base was imperative, and because of the multidisciplinary requirements were vast – I had no option but to create this website with that objective. Consequently the peer group for unification includes every entity on Earth, natural or otherwise. Honor bound entities will credit unification consistent with international rules on such things. I filed the patent application to establish the fact that I invented this but I have no particular expectation of ever enforcing it. Patents only last fifteen years anyway, but that’s not really the point. It would be nice if the twenty years it took to get even this far were recognized is all.

If you think there must be some expert large group somewhere I would point out that there were too large groups responsible for those aforementioned locations also, neither did they have foreknowledge of their demise. The presentation In Unification’s Wake, Part 05: Business Impact makes the point that the only defense global enterprise have is wielding Elegant Reasonism more effectively than their competitors. Elegant Reasonism stands poised to revolutionize the entire global economy across all of civilization. Petty squabbles will increasingly be irrelevant. The situation is simply that commission of Langer Epistemology Errors has been pervasively rampant to the point of isotropic. I would say too that comments from people like Einstein, Wheeler, and others something to the effect/affect about their curiosity having survived their schooling. Many do not understand cognition vs rote. They want to tell people what to think, not how to think. Independent thinkers can often assess new situations with greater clarity. Sometimes it just takes an outside opinion to bring illumination to illustration.

Architectures of Mass

Circa 2024 we have only the merest inkling of any details relative to or respective of architectures of mass consistent with the unified Universe, much less permutations of their interactions across all Event Frame scenarios spanning the entire entanglement gradient. Mode shifting Human Action will perhaps be one of the most impactful actions affecting global GDP. We need only look at the domain of pharmacology development relative to biological systems to understand the importance of pursuing such R&D with intrepidity and a great sense of urgency. Pharmacology is only one niche across the global economy directly affected by all of this. Risk management across the various endeavors of civilization is yet another. Humanity’s drive out across the solar system is another. Pin point energy delivery anywhere in the Sol System is yet another. Application of materials sciences, engineering, information sciences, will all get better because of all this. When we look at the entanglement gradient, and understand the mechanisms enabling life in a standards based, fully compliant, context we come to a much greater appreciation for just how precious it is. The original systems review suggest the tenuous path life here took to get this far and we need to respect that in the extreme, but that does not mean respect to exclusion. Hindsight suggests that it is statistically improbable that life does not exist elsewhere in the unified Universe. The Emergence Model reconciles some of the most profound questions in science. At every step and stage what I see is hope for application of even greater insights. Hope for a brighter tomorrow than any previously envisioned. We can do this because I believe in the rest of you. Take what I’ve done here and build on it. Make it better and more powerful than it already is.

Executive Summary

Unification demands the integration of everything real and the very direct implication is that includes not just you but every pebble, rock, planet, star, galaxy, and even the most supermassive black hole. The implications from data we already have in hand suggests that everything inside our particle horizon is the merest mote of dust in an incredibly vast domain. To many if not most that notion is unfathomable. Most especially when you watch the video at the bottom of the page on the entanglement gradient. One point made in that video is there are more atoms in a grain of sand than stars in the universe, admittedly when they say that it is from the entrenched traditional point of view, but the point we would ask is how many MBPs are in those atoms because the scale equivalence is analogous. This website characterizes the unified Universe Bang to Bang. If you can not do the same, then you have a great deal of home work to do. The path to gain that precipice has been laid at your fingertips. Immediately before you are quite literally the Keys To The Kingdom of the unified Universe.

Everyone in every demographic, group, or affiliation needs to hit their personal reset button and take stock on whether or not they can articulate the unified Universe and what the implications and ramification might be relative to that capability. Do not confuse schooling with education. One need only appreciate Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oliver Heaviside, or even Elon Musk to understand the relevance of that point. Elon has a degree but it isn’t in building spacecraft. Do you know who the aerospace engineer of record is for those endeavors? He is. How? He read a lot of books is how (e.g. he worked and studied hard). At the end of the day it is his money at risk. Employers will over time be more interested in whether credentials were obtained before or after that particular domain of discourse along with its constituent detail sets were mode shifted. The ultimate point being made is not to discount autodidacts. If you dismiss them out of hand you may beat you to your destination. Never underestimate a motivated entrepreneur. I absolutely agree with Musk when he commented replying to the question of how to motivate entrepreneurs to start their own business, to which he replied: if you need motivation to start a business, go work for someone else. Entrepreneurs believe in their mission and manifest their own motivation. Someone once said starting a business is like chewing glass. It’s painful and causes all kinds of problems. Consider then starting a new business which must also create the marketplace in which it will operate and you will slowly begin to see how difficult what we are doing really is.

Ask yourself if what it is you think you know closes to unification. Ask yourself if that is important to you. You may be an absolute expert in your field, but if you can’t close that with the unified Universe, you have more work to do. Ask yourself if your entire peer group can close what it is they think they know with the unified Universe. Again, it might mean the scope of work yet to be. It doesn’t mean I know more than you. It just means I know how to wield this utility process and framework epistemologically supporting truth as a function of the unified Universe. I am reasonably conversant in those skills. As the inventor, perhaps I should be. The whole intent of this website is to transfer those skills out across civilization and I need your help to do that. Part of the challenge here is mode shifting whole economic sectors, entire domains of discourse across every school of thought. This requires us all, not just me. Enough work has been done but you need to be convinced and that necessarily requires your participation. Minimally perhaps only in your reflective contemplation. Perhaps to identify the implications of fundamental abstractions have to whatever it is you do. What you may find is a burning need to mode shift worldviews based on those abstractions into alignment with the unified Universe. That is my hope and wish for you because in my humble opinion, that particular path leads directly to the precipice directly enabling capablity of both perceiving and engaging the unified Universe.

Ok, now you’ve read this article. Consider then the subject of mode shifting what constitutes evidence. Then reflectively, perhaps rhetorically, ask what constitutes an expert in unification?

I look forward to bearing witness to your mode shifted insights!

Best always!






#ElegantReasonism #EmergenceModel #Unification

By Charles McGowen

Charles C McGowen is a strategic business consultant. He studied Aerospace Engineering at Auburn University '76-'78. IBM hired him early in '79 where he worked until 2003. He is now Chairman & CEO of SolREI, Inc. ORCID: