User Library Now Online!
Beginning about 2004 the company began gathering what is now a rather extensive collection of research papers from original authors and research teams that were in the public domain. This information is now available as a way to say thank you to patrons. While the material was found in the public domain, its collection here constitutes a “collected works copyright”, and bulk downloads are prohibited, even by patrons. Individual documents are available for download. The library has links for the User Library as well as for Software {distribution which is not yet active}. The technical issues surrounding the library and software repository have now been reconciled. Most of the research materials we have placed online for immediate inspection by patrons. The reason the material is made available in this manner is so that patrons may cross reference the material with each other easily. The manner in which I have enabled electronic materials allows for referencing specific pages within any text we electronically display within our website. My only caution is that you could spend a lifetime reading all of that. Remember, I’ve been at this twenty years as of April 2024. These materials and more which we are still working to put online provided key insights that helped develop Elegant Reasonism.
I am working hard to integrate this vast library holistically here as appropriate. The idea is to show you what someone from history has said, not just in their own words, but in the actual original paper they wrote and in context they made and using Elegant Reasonism as a process and framework in standards based compliant context of the unified Universe. Holistically this is one of the most powerful mechanisms available, and it is only available to patrons.
The User Library materials significantly cover biographical works as well as those spanning business, science, and philosophy. Our library is extensive and what we have put online is not all we have, but what is online is significant both historically and to current research. It is our intent to tie together the content here to the foundations provided by the materials in this library. Patrons will be able to traverse the actual original works to see how the foundations were laid and then to connect the dots on how we came to our conclusions and insights. This library is powerful from many points of view.
Also, please know that this library is dynamic and we continue to add to these materials as time and circumstances find appropriate. To that end if patrons see materials that may help in some way please use the contact us form to let us know and we will review as is appropriate. Generally speaking materials must be of significant historical nature supporting major assertions of one of the recognized interpretive models of the Universe. Overtime, many of these materials will need “mode shifted” articulation. However, that is in the future. Our suggestion is to review the online pages for Elegant Reasonism and the User Library to get a basic understanding of the relationships these materials have for one another.
I look forward to your mode shifted insights!